
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Countdown to Creepmas: Hallowday Music

Rather than wait until the 13 Days of Creepmas to suggest music to haunt your Hallowdays, I thought it'd make sense to post a little early so you can get the music discussed in this post and have it ready to go on December 1st!

Following are some tried-and-true creepy Christmas tunes that will be old news to some of you, and a joyous discovery for others. Click the titles/cover art to get them.

If you have ideas/links for other similarly spooky Hallowday music, post'em in the comments!

Kris Knight's lovely piano renditions of holiday classics with a decidedly macabre flair.

The Crypt Keeper shows his Hallowday Spirit with these 15 Christmas SCARE-ols. Long out of print, Vinnie Rattolle has made it available for your listening displeasure!

Disney produced a number of NBC-styled Christmas Scarols for their annual conversion of the Haunted Mansion into Jack Skellington's Hallowday Playground. These tracks were released as part of a much larger CD set from Disney years ago, and you may be able to scare them up in some of the sketchier parts of the web, but Vinnie Rattolle has 16 minutes of the music and dialogue HERE.

Last year, the Universal Horror Sounds blog put out a great, downloadable spooky Hallowday mix, and it's still available!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Give us your favorite Creepmas music picks in the comments!


  1. No sooner did I post this than I found

  2. Hands down my favorite is "I Want Your Soul For Christmas" by The Schoolyard Heroes

  3. Thanks, these are great! And while looking around on iTunes, I found "Gothic Christmas" by Count Bachula--really awesome!

  4. I belong to a collective of artists, historians, writers etc. that contribute significantly to LA's present culture collective. Each month a Salon is held were we present some of our work to each other and the public. To close out November the salon is featuring a performance of Krampus Carols - I cannot wait to see/hear what they've come up with! I'll try to get the performance on video to share.

    In the meantime, this Spinal tap cover is one of my favorites -

    Of course, there's also the Very Scary Solstice CDs -

  5. Just found this - STL Creeps - A Very Scary Creepmas:

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Found this gem on youtube. . .can never be too prepared this Holiday Season. . .
